Our Journey To

A Happier, Healthier You

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Healthcare for Every Mind

Unity in Wellness

Empowerment through Empathy

Where Tech Meets Wellbeing

We see a future where technology becomes our ally in living happier, healthier, and longer lives. Born from the belief that our digital age has the power to catalyze positive change, we've made it our mission to integrate advanced tech solutions with heartfelt compassion.

Because in the end, life is about cherishing every moment of joy, nurturing health, and fostering enduring connections.

Backed by phenomenal investors

The unwavering support of our investors fuels our mission at VOS, inspiring our dedication to transform the field of mental health.

The Origin

Story of VOS

Born in Prague in 2021 amidst a shifting mental health landscape, VOS was inspired by our co-founder, Jiri's personal struggle with panic attacks. We recognized a void in accessible, daily mental health care tools, and envisioned a solution as routine as brushing your teeth.

Even though we're just at the beginning of our journey, our team of brilliant minds, numbering over 15, is developing cutting-edge technologies to make a significant impact. Today, VOS, our affordable and easy-to-use mental health companion, is already helping over 3 million people worldwide.

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