What's New in VOS 1.11


June 2021

What's New in VOS 1.11

What's New is our new series of blog posts where we tell you all the latest news about VOS, our community, and app updates. Today, it's our pleasure to announce a few new features and fun facts about the app. Ready? Steady? Let's go!

Improved mood tracking

Now, tracking your mood gives you an even better perspective to reflect on your life experiences. We allow our users to specify why exactly they feel the way they do, and what exact emotion they are experiencing. After some time, we'll provide you with special insights and advanced recommendations based on your most frequent tendencies.

Advanced analytics

Are you unable to put a finger on why you've been upset for the past few days? What makes you anxious every Thursday? Soon, you will be able to observe trends based on your advanced mood analytics. As well as this, connecting your Health Kit with VOS you will get more useful tips on how to improve your life - try out the Premium feature of the app to learn more.

New language

With this update, we are happy to introduce new languages to VOS. Now Russian speaking users can also enjoy the app and take care of their minds. Добро пожаловать!

Other updates

With the help of our team of mental health professionals, we've improved breathing exercises - now you can explore "SOS" exercises. Find out more in your wellbeing tools section.

We are working hard to bring you the best updates possible and significantly improve the app's quality. We care about your feedback and listen to all the possible suggestions and ideas. If you have a spare minute to fill out this survey, you can help us to grow VOS and make it even bigger and better!

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