Understanding panic attacks and the effects on your body
When people talk about hypnosis, they usually have a very specific picture in their minds. Often, they think of men with psychic skills who make some volunteers from the audience follow their lead. Yes, hypnosis is still used during shows, but it is a performance skill to amaze and entertain an audience. However, it is also a very useful therapeutic tool that can be applied in hypnotherapy to help psychological treatment.
What is hypnotherapy?
As you can read in Lisa’s Fritscher’s article, hypnotherapy is a technique used in the treatment of various symptoms and conditions. Hypnotherapists induce a hypnotic state which leads people to become detached from external attention so they can deeply focus on inner experiences.
How does it work?
According to Anthony Watt’s article, hypnotherapeutic treatment is practiced through sessions lasting roughly one hour. A trained professional uses relaxation techniques to guide clients into a hypnotic state, during which patients are relaxed, calm and what’s most important- still conscious and awake. The therapist will give clients suggestive instructions - these suggestions may vary, depending on the symptom/condition you’re trying to treat.
What symptoms and conditions can hypnotherapy treat?
Doctor Langham’s article says that hypnotherapy can be used in the treatment of various issues, such as phobias, addiction, sleep disorders, anxiety, depresssion, relationship conflicts, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Hypnotherapy can also help to deal with chronic pain and, as some studies suggest, weight loss. Generally speaking, hypnosis can help people deeply relax.
What should you keep in mind?
If you’re thinking about undergoing hypnotherapy you should look for a licensed, trained, professional hypnotherapist/psychologist. Avoid magicians and esoteric practitioners to reduce risk of poor treatment.
Hypnotherapy also isn’t always good for everyone; some people might not be able to get into a hypnotic state, or they can experience uncomfortable feelings and not benefit from the therapy.
As it’s written in Anthony Watt’s article mentioned above, hypnotherapy is not recommended for people who suffer from hallucinations and delusions. There are other conditions that may not be good for undergoing hypnotherapy, too. Therefore, if you plan to be treated by a hypnotherapist, it’s better to consult with a psychiatrist or psychotherapist before undertaking it.
I hope you find this article useful, for more information you can check the articles mentioned above or talk to a mental health professional.