What's New in VOS 1.11
After a year of hard work and dedication from our team, today we are happy to celebrate 1 year of VOS. Right now VOS represents a complex wellbeing tool with features of guided journaling & mood tracking, and a more special premium version, which helps you connect all your data and see the bigger picture of your life, connect with a licensed mental health professional, and get access to a personal VOS plan.
Over the past year, we focused on delivering the best tool for you to get better at being yourself. We’ve made a great leap forward and our mission is to create the best well-being space for your mind.
Let's wrap up last year in numbers:
- 20+ team members from all over the world
- 300.000k+ users worldwide
- 1.000 000 EUR funding & 2 Investors
- 20 product releases
- 10+ wellbeing features
- 600k+ journaling sessions
- 1M+ mood checks
- 50 000+ breathing exercises
- 30M+ impressions
- 10+ mental health events
Positive thinking can serve as a powerful tool to help people feel better. It highlights the need for one to shift their negative outlook to a more optimistic view in order to improve quality of life. Want to know what tends to be our member's favorite affirmations?
- “It's okay not to know everything, I learn every day.”
- “I am creating the life I deserve to live.”
- “I am worth it.”
We started off as a Journaling & Self-reflection app and it’s extremely rewarding to observe how it evolved into a universal wellbeing tool for mental health. There is always more to come, so you’d ask: What's next?
→ Cutting edge new features and bi-weekly releases
→ Improvement of the current features and user experience
→ Highlight on personalization of the wellbeing space
→ B2B integration in 50+ companies all over the world
All of this wouldn't be possible without you. Big thanks for being part of our journey, suggesting new ideas, and actively providing us with feedback.
It's exciting to help thousands of users and see which direction VOS will take us next year.
It’s time to be kind to yourself. It’s now or never.