From Panic to Peace: Klara's Personal Journey to Wellbeing

Personal stories

August 2023

From Panic to Peace: Klara's Personal Journey to Wellbeing

Wellbeing Club Talk with @holkazblazince

Do you take care of your mind as much as your body?

I care for my mind more than my body. Daily mindfulness is my routine, but this question makes me reflect on my physical care too.

Remember a challenging period regarding mental health?

About 6 years ago, I faced severe panic attacks. It was a dark period. Therapy became my refuge and introduced routine, self-awareness, and various coping tools into my life.

How do you calm your mind during stress?

A change of scenery, especially nature walks, is my go-to. If I can't go out, music, running, and breathing exercises are my lifelines. A pre-written list of calming activities helps during panic moments.

Favorite feature in the VOS app?

I love the affirmations and quotes. The app also offers emergency aid and counseling, making it hard to choose one favorite feature.

Advice to your younger self?

"Don't be afraid to try." I missed many opportunities due to fear, but trying new things always pushes me forward.

Someone who positively impacted your mental health?

My family. They've always supported me, especially during my challenging times, as did my therapists.

BONUS: A reflective question for readers regarding mental health?

Consider asking: "What's the most terrifying aspect of this issue for me?" It dives deep into one's fears but requires honesty.

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