What is Self-therapy?: A Comprehensive Guide
Entrepreneurs contribute a lot to the progress of humankind. They are dedicated to advancing society at all costs, sacrificing ordinary pleasures at times for greater future reward. Entrepreneurs go through a lot of traumatic days, depressions, and loneliness. Having the right support system is capital for their survival. However, one underrated tool for entrepreneurs' success is a good and powerful journaling habit. It's been a tool for many great achievers in the past and can still be one today. Today at VOS Health, we will cover five underrated ways through which journaling can help anyone become a better entrepreneur.
1. Journaling is a slow-down tool for entrepreneurs.
The world is a busy place and an even busier one for entrepreneurs. As the leader of your organization, you may find yourself always occupied making sure things are going well in your company. Journaling of all sort, even on an app, like the VOS Journal, can be your most authentic moment of freedom. You get to talk with yourself, understand things better, turn away from the notification world and reflect on your day or the ending week.
2. Journaling helps improve entrepreneurs' mental health.
Looking at the problem-solving life and solution-centeredness in their lives, entrepreneurs always dedicate intense intellectual efforts to solve problems and solid emotional abilities to communicate perfectly to the world about their discoveries. Such things to be perfected requires a consistent high state of mind and emotions. The problem here is that most entrepreneurs, to keep such high performances, have to deal with many mental issues. Research shows that start-up founders are twice as likely to struggle with depression and six times more likely to suffer from ADHD. Mental health experts and countless studies suggest journaling can help battle depression, improve mental health and even show physical health benefits. They may even have issues dealing with sleep. So if you are going to be the next Elon Musk, don't go working 100 hours a week without spending at least 2 hours journaling.
3. Journaling can be a safe haven for entrepreneurs.
Journaling is not just about telling stories to oneself. As a leader, the entrepreneur must go all days showing what can be described as a strong figure. This "impression management" is geared towards the display of no weakness. I am talking about the always ready, continuously pumped up attitude you see whenever you encounter entrepreneurs. Nonetheless, we all know that this is not a sustainable way of living. Everybody needs that let-guard moment when you are just a human being. Your journal can give you that moment. It can even become your best friend. Many journaling entrepreneurs describe as such. Your journal doesn't judge you; it doesn't have emotions. You can be free with it and let all your sorrows and fears live secretly with it. As a journaling app, VOS Journal goes the extra mile and asks you daily questions to understand clearly understand what is going on in your mind and offer personalized suggestions, just like a real friend would do.
4. Journaling helps you see life beyond your business.
Entrepreneurs are people much involved in their businesses. It almost seems like they are lost in the company. They live in it. If you know an entrepreneur, you will see how much their life is rounded around their businesses. Life, however, goes beyond a business, and you certainly don't want to burn out. Having so much involvement in the company is highly laudable, but what happens when results aren't coming as expected? How do you balance life between business and other aspects of your life? It would help if you used your journal as a way of escaping the reality of your business and the world at large. You can go wild and talk about the things you will do or hope to do in your free time. Where you see yourself during the summer, let your journal be your planner.
5. Journaling improves self-reflection for entrepreneurs.
Reflection is the deliberate process of reviewing perceptions and interactions, contemplating possible scenarios and meanings, and attributing significance to guide future decisions. According to research, people who partake in reflection are happier and do better than those who do not. It's logical. People who are successful and fulfilled learn from their failures. Throughout your reflection in your journal, you can ponder on what gets you excited, what you are avoiding, am I a good leader, how did I add value to my business or myself this week, and how did I improve my intelligence this week.
As mentioned earlier, entrepreneurs have the power to change the world. However, that success in their fields depends on how well they take care of their mental health. Journaling is a critical tool in becoming a better entrepreneur. The VOS Journal app, with its 30,000+ users, is undoubtedly one of the most remarkable ways available to position entrepreneurs in the best mental place for success and higher achievements.